- Free lance translator for the following companies:
- C.I.C. Edizioni Internazionali, a publishing company in Rome (Italy); the following books have been published:
- 3 Checklist Psichiatria - T. Payk, 1991
- 4 Checklist Gastroenterologia - Lux/Matek/Riemann /Rösch, 1991
- 5 Il carcinoma mammario - H. Bohmert, 1991
- 6 Drenaggio dei dotti biliari e pancreatici per via endoscopica - K. Huibregtse, 1989
- 7 Omeopatia in Ostetricia e Ginecologia - M. Wiesenauer, 1989
- 8 Terapia in Ostetricia e Ginecologia - G. Martius, 1989 (2 volumes)
- Texas Instruments, Rieti (Italy);
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